I feel like you're selling out. The first two were incredible. Adult swim material for sure. this one might have well had a different director. You took it in a weird direction with a more solid plot and variety character emotions. the first two were a success because both characters seem retarded and very very simple. people like that because its like watching your pets play with each other rather than two people sitting inside and play board games. in the next one, please try to simplify the story line, create less plot and more ironic event-based jokes like in the first two, and again, return to the old style of simple but funny/trippy humor you used in the first two. on the upside, great professional animation quality and funny accents but try not to have them talk just to talk. thats how a voice gets "old". (focus on making sure that whatever words they use SOUND funny, rather than forcing on an accent so hard that you force the funny onto the words.) i really do want to see this on adult swim one day, but as an 18 year old art student with a keen taste for badass comedy cartoons, please take some of this advice.